AIware Leadership Bootcamp 2024

AIware Leadership
Bootcamp 2024

Queen's University Downtown Toronto Campus, Canada - November 03 - 08, 2024.

Register for AIware Bootcamp About The Event Meet Our Curriculum Committee View Schedule Explore The Venue Check Our Sponsors Contact Us

About the AIware Leadership Bootcamp

Zero to Hero in under a week! The AIware Leadership Bootcamp is a unique opportunity to learn from and interact with leading industrial practitioners, researchers, and academics. The bootcamp is designed to provide a holistic understanding of AIware development—going beyond simply teaching how to build software with Foundation Models, e.g., Large Language Models (LLMs), to exploring the latest research, innovation, and the broader AIware ecosystem. It’s also about empowering leaders who will drive the future of AI-powered software.

“Software for all and by all” is the future of humanity. AIware, i.e., AI-powered software, has the potential to democratize software creation. We must reimagine software and software engineering (SE), enabling individuals of all backgrounds to participate in its creation with higher reliability and quality. Over the past decade, software has evolved from human-driven Codeware to the first generation of AIware, known as Neuralware, developed by AI experts. Foundation Models (FMs, including Large Language Models or LLMs), like GPT, ushered in software's next generation, Promptware, led by domain and prompt experts. However, this merely scratches the surface of the future of software. We are already witnessing the emergence of the next generation of software, Agentware, in which humans and intelligent agents jointly lead the creation of software. With the advent of brain-like World Models and brain-computer interfaces, we anticipate the arrival of Mindware, representing another generation of software. Agentware and Mindware promise greater autonomy and widespread accessibility, with non-expert individuals, known as Software Makers, offering oversight to autonomous agents.

This bootcamp focuses on educating participants about the full spectrum of AIware development and innovation—from the current state of Neuralware and Promptware to the emerging paradigms of Agentware and Mindware, where intelligent agents and human oversight come together. As future leaders, participants will gain the skills and insights necessary to navigate and influence this evolving landscape.

To register for the event, please follow this link. The event will be held from November 3 to 8 in Downtown Toronto Canada at the Queen's University Downtown Toronto campus, a state-of-the-art facility with stunning views of the Toronto Harbour. Spaces are limited, so early registration is encouraged to secure your spot.

Why Attend?

Unlike other bootcamps, our bootcamp emphasizes a holistic perspective on AIware, integrating bleeding-edge research and next step directions with practical applications. With panels and presentations from leading experts, you’ll explore open research questions, gain insights into the most recent advancements, and understand the evolving needs of the AIware ecosystem. It’s an essential experience for anyone aspiring to lead in the AI-powered software arena.

This bootcamp is not just a learning experience—it’s a chance to create lifelong collaborations and networks that can lead to significant future opportunities. By engaging with the brightest minds in the field, you’ll be at the forefront of shaping the future of AI-powered software.

The bootcamp will also emphasize a hands-on perspective, ensuring that attendees have a more pragmatic perspective in this important and emerging domain of computing.

Curriculum Committee

The curriculum integrates feedback and input from industry and academic leaders from the following organizations.


View the detailed agenda for each day by clicking on the respective buttons below.

FMware 101 - Intro into the world of FMware, SE4FMware and FMware4SE

Registration and morning coffee break

Opening of the Bootcamp

Instructor team

Opening talk and logistics

Challenges and Opportunities Associated with AI-Augmented Software Engineering

Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang

Introduction to challenges and opportunities in the world of AIware focusing primarily on Promptware and Agentware


Building high-quality and trustworthy foundation model-powered applications (FMware)

Dayi Lin

This session will cover the basics of building a trustworthy FMware application. Topics covered include:

  • Overview of AIware
  • Introduction to the trustworthiness of software and AI
  • How do you select the right model?
  • How to benchmark a model?
  • How to write a good prompt?
  • How to prevent hallucination?
  • How to debug prompts?
  • How to prevent getting or causing harm? - Guardrails
  • How to ensure compliance in dataflow?
  • How to conduct quality evaluation?
  • How to interact with the users?
  • How to operationalize the application?

Rethinking Software Engineering in the AIware Era - A Curated Catalog of Software Engineering Challenges for FMware

Ahmed E. Hassan

The talk walks the audience through the key software engineering challenges in the AIware era and outlines important research directions that could be taken to address them. Topics include:

  • Overview of software engineering challenges in the AIware Era
  • Challenge 1: Managing alignment data
  • Challenge 2: Crafting effective prompts
  • Challenge 3: Multi-generational software
  • Challenge 4: Degree of controllability
  • Challenge 5: Compliance and regulations
  • Challenge 6: Limited collaboration support
  • Challenge 7: Operation and semantic observability
  • Challenge 8: Performance engineering
  • Challenge 9: Testing under non-determinism
  • Challenge 10: Siloed tooling and lack of processes
  • Brief overview of global intiatives and standrization efforts including CREATE SE4AI, SEMLA, BigCode, AI Alliance, OPEA, AIware, LLM4code, MSR, IEEE Agent Standard, AIBOM, AIwareBOM, LF Model Openness Framework, …


The Data Flywheel for FMware

Gopi Krishnan Rajbahadur

This session will go over the different types of data used throughout the lifecycle of an FMware. Topics covered include:

  • Data flywheel - An overview of the different types of data used for different types of alignment, including:
    • Pre-training data
    • Fine-tuning data
    • Preference data
    • User-feedback data
    • Crowd-sourced data
    • Synthetic data
  • Synthetic data generation techniques and data alignment (Microsoft Phi models)
  • QA for Knowledge distillation - Data quality and knowledge quality enhancing processes like deduplication, information metrics, removing data and knowledge clones
  • Contextualized and goal-oriented documentation to enhance knowledge quality
  • Operationalizing user-feedback data - Leveraging thumbs up/down, Google DIDACT
  • BigCode project - A successful application of the data flywheel
  • Crowdsourced knowledge curation - Instructlab
  • Importance of multi-modal training data - How code is used and generating different types of data with domain-specific rules

The Supply Chain for Data in FMware

Audris Mockus

This talk will focus on the supply chain of data in the FMware lifecycle.


Foundation Models and Software Engineering: Insights from Industry Blogs

Hao Li

This session explores how Foundation Models (FMs) are being integrated into Software Engineering (SE) practices and how SE practices are adapting to the development and deployment of FMs based on an analysis of industry blogs. Topics covered include:

  • Leveraging an FM/LLM Jury to automatically survey grey literature such as industry blog posts
  • Industry insights from 1,152 blog posts—showcasing real-world applications of integrating FMs and SE
  • FMs for SE (FM4SE) activities—software development, software quality assurance, software maintenance, and software management
  • SE for FMs (SE4FM) activities—model deployment, system architecture, data management, model customization, evaluation & quality assurance, and prompt construction
  • Eight research directions to bridge the gap between academic research and industry practices



This session will provide an overview of the Open Platform for Enterprise AI (OPEA), a collaborative initiative under the Linux Foundation. This session will outline OPEA’s current platform, focusing on its multi-industry collaboration efforts, including partnerships with leaders in AI and enterprise technology. The session will cover how businesses and individuals can participate, contribute, and integrate open-source AI frameworks into their operations, while also exploring key research areas that OPEA believes are critical to the future of AI, including compliance, observability, and interoperability across enterprise AI applications.

FMware for 10X Developer Productivity - Myth or Fact

Panelists: Danny Dig, Meiyappan Nagappan, Bram Adams, Prem Devanbu, and Audris Mockus. Moderator: TBD

This panel will focus on questions about the role of FMware in enhancing developer productivity—separating myth from fact.

Lightning Talks

Building blocks in AIware development

Registration and Morning coffee break

Prompt Engineering

Filipe Roseiro Cogo

This session will offer a comprehensive overview of prompt engineering techniques and best practices to build a successful FMware. Covered topics include:

  • Basics of prompting - How to talk to a FM
  • Prompting patterns
  • Prompt components
  • Prompt structuring
  • Prompt decoding strategies
  • Fragility of prompts - Manual prompt-tuning lifecycle, prompt formatting, context window sensitivity, few-shot ordering, and golden labels
  • Prompt anti-patterns (e.g. god prompts) - How to decompose a prompt effectively for success
  • Prompt output structuring and prompt debugging
  • Compiling prompts for success - prompt optimization, prompt tuning, FM-based prompt mutation and evolution, DSLs for prompt optimization, Intent-based prompt calibration
  • Common prompting pitfalls
  • Leveraging prompt ecosystems - Introduction to prompt stores and Reddit discussions


RAG Engineering

Keheliya Gallaba

This session will cover the steps involved in building a robust RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) pipeline for an AIware app. The covered topics include:

  • What is RAG? - An overview of Indexing, retrieval, and generation
  • An overview of query translation approaches - Multi-query, RAG-fusion, Least-to-most, step-back prompting, HyDE
  • Query routing strategies - Logical routing and semantic routing
  • Query construction strategies
  • Advanced indexing techniques for effective RAG - Multi-representation indexing, RAPTOR, ColBERT
  • Graph RAGs
  • RAG Re-rankers
  • Large context challenges: Needle in a haystack, counting stars, data movement and caching/pinning of context in the cloud
  • Context vs built-in prioritization
  • A reference architecture for enterprise-grade production-ready RAGware


Alignment Engineering

Gopi Krishnan Rajbahadur

This session will cover different ways of aligning a Foundation Model (FM). Covered topics include:

  • A general overview of FM pre-training
  • Fine-tuning - Types of used data: supervised fine-tuning, PEFT, Prompt tuning, soft prompts, Adapter tuning, AdapterHub, Selective finetuning (e.g. BiFit), Reparametrization-based fine tuning (LoRA)
  • Preference tuning - RLHF, DPO, RLSF
  • Constitutional AI
  • Overview of curriculum learning
  • Advanced curriculum generation techniques and benefits, e.g., how curriculum learning is used in the Microsoft Phi and IBM Granite models


Improving FMware Output Quality

Prem Devabu

This session will explore the role of calibration in evaluating the output quality of Foundation Models (FMs) for code generation and its impact on decision-making. Covered topics include:

  • The need for reliable confidence measures in FM-generated code to ensure rational decision-making and reduce the risk of using incorrect outputs
  • How calibration can assess the trustworthiness of FM-generated code and guide the level of review needed before use
  • Unique challenges in calibrating generative models for code generation, compared to traditional classification models
  • A framework for evaluating the calibration of FM-generated code across different tasks, correctness criteria, and datasets
  • Key findings on the poor calibration of FM-generated code and the risks this poses for developers
  • The use of techniques like Platt scaling to improve FM output calibration and its applicability in the context of code generation
  • Practical insights into improving FM output quality for code generation, enabling better decision-making and fostering more reliable AI-driven software engineering practices

How is JetBrains leveraging FMware to improve the software development experience?

Danny Dig

This talk will present compelling services and applications featuring JetBrains AI Assistant that power software engineering tasks in the IDE to improve developer productivity.

Agentware and Responsible AIware Development Day

Registration and morning coffee break

Research experiences and best practices building AIware at JetBrains

Danny Dig

This talk presents cutting-edge research on combining the creativity of LLM-based recommendations with the safety and reliability of static and dynamic analysis in the JetBrains IDEs to provide an order of magnitude improvements over previous state-of-the-art solutions for refactoring.

Towards AI-Native Software Engineering (SE 3.0)

Ahmed E. Hassan and Gustavo Oliva

This talk will discuss a vision of an AI-native approach to software engineering, which is characterized by an intent-first, conversation-oriented development where humans and AI collaborate seamlessly. Covered topics include:

  • A critical analysis of AI-assisted/augmented SE 2.0
  • Autonomous software engineers (e.g., Devin AI)
  • Our vision of AI-native SE and its technology stack
  • Challenges and open questions in the path of realizing our vision:
    • Challenge 1: Speeding up human-AI alignment
    • Challenge 2: Improving the efficiency of code synthesis
    • Challenge 3: Improving runtime performance
    • Challenge 4: Improving FM’s understanding of code and SE
    • Challenge 5: Eliminating the need for prompt engineering


Agentic architectures and workflows

Keheliya Gallaba

This session will discuss what an agent is and the different cognitive architectures that an Agent could use to execute tasks. Covered topics include:

  • What is an Agent (e.g., perception, Brain, Action, Environment)?
  • Different types of agentic memory
  • How does an Agent use tools (Toolformer, TALM)
  • How to enable an Agent to plan and reason - Introduction to theory of mind
  • Cognitive architectures - Multi-layered nature (recursion, multi vs single agent architectures)
  • Agent patterns - Chains, routers, graphs
  • Control mechanisms - Static vs dynamic
  • Patterns of multi-agent collaboration
  • Self-reflection and multi-agent hacks


Agentic Development Platforms

Gustavo Oliva

This session will give an overview of the various Agentic platforms that one can use to build AIware. Covered topics include:

  • Multi-agent frameworks/platforms (Introduction, Comparison, their abstractions). Examples include Autogen, CrewAI, LangGraph
  • Agent memory representations and abstractions
  • Long-term agents - Agents evolving over time, End-user feedback used for personalization
  • Standardization efforts e.g., Agent protocol


FMwareBOM - Towards enabling transparency, traceability and compliance with next generation FMware BOMs

Gopi Krishnan Rajbahadur

This talk will highlight the current state of AIBOM and ongoing efforts on FMwareBOM and the potential it holds for enabling compliance, transparency, and traceability in the FMware era.

Responsible AIware Engineering

Qinghua Lu

This session will cover the challenges and emerging trends in responsible AI engineering in the context of AIware systems. Covered topics include:

  • The shift towards AI-as-Software (AIware) with foundation models embedding business logic within parameters and weights
  • The integration of business functions into models, replacing traditional business code logic
  • The implications of encapsulating logic within a single black box model
  • Growing concerns about responsible AI and AI safety with autonomous AIware
  • The importance of compound AI systems that combine foundation models with other components for quality and risk control
  • A system-level engineering approach to ensure responsible AI development in foundation model-based and multi-agent AI systems

Quality Assurance, Governance, and Responsible AIware Development

Qinghua Lu, Bram Adams, Prem Devanbu, Gopi Krishnan Rajbahadur, and Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang. Moderator: TBD

This panel will discuss the interplay between quality assurance, governance structures, and responsible AIware development practices. It will explore key topics such as compliance frameworks, governance strategies, and emerging legislation that shape the development and deployment of AI systems. The discussion will also address responsible AI, emphasizing ethical considerations, transparency, and risk mitigation in AI-powered systems. Panelists will share insights on balancing innovation with regulatory compliance, ensuring high-quality and trustworthy AIware, and managing the challenges of accountability in AIware.

Industry Day 1 – From cool demos to production-ready AIware - Part 1

Registration and Morning Coffee Break

FMware - Hands on

Instructor team

We will be building a few AIware apps which we will make more complex as we progress through the bootcamp. Every hands-on will progressively build on the concepts of that day to make the day more comprehensive. This hands-on session will guide the participants who will be encouraged to add more features to the app and submit it to the AIware conference challenge. The hands-on session will methodically walk the attendees through:

  • Setting up a FM locally
  • Accessing a cloud FM
  • Setting up a basic Vector store
  • Building a basic AIware app
  • Picking the right FM for their FMware
  • Preventing data contamination
  • Evaluating your FMware


FMware - Hands on - continued

Instructor team

This session will be a continuation of the previous session, covering the following topics:

  • Prompting strategies
  • Prompt anti-patterns
  • Debugging a prompt
  • Prompt compilers - DsPY
  • Fine-tuning an FM with LoRa - Data preparation (including quality)
  • Preference tuning
  • RAG 101
  • Best RAG practices
  • Progressively building an AIware app with basic cognitive architecture
  • A multi-agent collaborative architecture
  • Simple memory implementation

FMArts platform - An FMware lifecycle engineering platform

Dayi Lin

This session will showcase the FMArts platform, the world's only lifecycle engineering platform for creating FMware. We will discuss how software engineering principles can be leveraged in the FMware context and highlight the challenges involved. The session will feature a demo application built with FMArts.


Challenges in Productionizing AIware

Ahmed E. Hassan and Gopi Krishnan Rajbahadur

This session will cover the different types of challenges that industry typically encounters in the different stages of the AIware development lifecycle that make productionizing AIware challenging. Covered topics include:

  • An overview of the challenges across the AIware development lifecycle
  • Testing challenges
  • Observability-related challenges
  • Controlled-execution-related challenges
  • Resource-aware QA challenges
  • Feedback integration challenges
  • Built-in quality assurance challenges
  • Other overarching challenges

Balancing Cost and Quality in FMware

Kirill Vasilevski

This session will provide an in-depth exploration of Foundation Model (FM) routing for FMware, focusing on balancing quality and inference cost. Covered topics include:

  • An introduction to FM routing, where requests are routed to FMs of varying sizes and capabilities
  • A survey of existing routing methods that rely on data-driven learning to make optimal routing decisions
  • The challenges posed by existing approaches, such as reliance on curated data, complex computations, and the evolution of weaker FMs
  • The introduction of Real-time Adaptive Routing (RAR), a novel approach that continuously adapts FM routing decisions using guided in-context learning
  • How RAR reduces dependence on stronger, more expensive FMs while maintaining high response quality
  • The intra-domain generalization benefits of RAR’s guided learning approach in enhancing weaker FMs


Evaluating AIware

Justina Lin

This session will detail the challenges and techniques that can be used to evaluate an AIware. Covered topics include:

  • Overview of evaluating an AIware - Importance
  • Evaluation primitives - Evaluation with ad hoc vibe checks, benchmarks, manually curated datasets, trace data, data splits, and repetitions
  • Evaluation metrics overview
  • Evaluating individual components of AIware - Agents, RAG, etc.
  • Testing AIware - Unit tests, summary evaluations, response evaluations, regression testing, backtesting
  • AI as judge - Overview, benefits, and costs


Filipe Roseiro Cogo

This session will cover the challenges and future directions of AI-native software systems in the context of Software Engineering 3.0 (SE 3.0). Covered topics include:

  • An overview of, a novel search-based compiler designed for AI-native software evolution
  • How generates software from human-written intents through search-based optimization
  • The dynamic optimization of cognitive architectures, foundation models, and system parameters
  • The balance between accuracy, cost, and latency in AI-powered software generation
  • Lowering the technical barriers for non-experts to enable scalable, adaptable AI-driven software systems
  • A roadmap to address core challenges in intent compilation, including programming constructs, search heuristics, and compiler interoperability
  • The vision for fully automated, search-driven software development that fosters faster innovation in AI-powered systems

Excursion Plus Take-Home Task

We will go on an excursion to a place near Toronto (location: TBD) and encourage participants to work on a take-home practice exercise that will be discussed on Day 4.

Industry Day 2 - From cool demos to production-ready AIware - Part 2 and AIware showcases

Registration and morning coffee break

Performance engineering for AIware

Boyuan Chen and Haoxiang Zhang

This session will outline the various performance engineering challenges as one optimizes the performance of an AIware for production. Topics covered include:

  • Transformer decoding 101
  • Single model serving challenges and the state-of-the-art (e.g., vllm)
  • End-to-end performance engineering challenges in the AIware development lifecycle
  • Latency considerations for different cognitive architectures
  • Multi-model pipeline serving challenges and vision
  • Curated SPE challenges for AIware
  • Semantic caching and FM routers


AIware Observability

Ben Rombaut

The session will discuss AIware observability challenges. Covered topics include:

  • AIware Ops overview
  • AIware observability overview - What is it, why is it important, and how is it different for AIware
  • The importance of semantics vs raw observability
  • Existing observability tools and platforms – strengths and weaknesses
  • Evaluation and guardrails - Validating FM responses, comparing models on golden sets, measuring response time, tracking and altering observability metrics

Experiences designing AI-assisted coding tools (like CodeCompose and SQLCompose) at Meta

Peter Rigby

This session will cover various challenges encountered during the development and deployment of AI-assisted code authoring solutions at industry scale. Covered topics include:

  • An overview of the design and implementation of CodeCompose, Meta's internal copilot
  • How Meta achieved multi-line AI-assisted code generation
  • The challenges and solutions behind SQLCompose, a copilot specifically tuned for SQL
  • Fine-tuning AI models for industry-specific applications
  • The deployment process of AI-assisted tools
  • Evaluation methods, including mixed-methods approaches for large-scale AI code generation systems


Leading the AIware Revolution - Ask Me Anything!

Ahmed E. Hassan, Mike Godfrey, Mei, Peter Rigby, and Danny Dig. Moderator: TBD

This panel will explore how effective leadership is shaping the AIware era, with a focus on guiding innovation, research, and strategic decisions in a rapidly evolving landscape. We'll touch on the role of leaders in bridging industry and academia, balancing the pace of applied AI with foundational research, and navigating the development of open models. Whether you’re leading a team or aspiring to, this is your chance to ask experienced leaders about the challenges and opportunities in driving the future of AI-powered software.


Showcases of AIware for SE innovations and demos of developed AIware by camp attendees

This session will showcase works from leading experts in the field, and selected AIware projects that have been developed will be presented.

Closing remarks and future initiatives

Ahmed E. Hassan

Closing remarks and discussion on future initiatives.

Event Venue

Queen's University Downtown Toronto campus, located in the heart of the city’s financial district, offers a first-of-its-kind facility atop Simcoe Place. The lecture hall where the bootcamp will be held is designed with state-of-the-art AV and IT systems to support collaborative learning, integrating more design and infrastructure than a traditional classroom. Beyond the custom-designed lectern, the hall opens up to reveal a picturesque view of Toronto Harbour and the railways, creating an inspiring and dynamic environment for our bootcamp.

Queen's University Downtown Toronto Campus

30th floor, 200 Front St W, Toronto, ON M5V 2X3


We sincerely thank our sponsors for their invaluable support, which helps us not only enhance the quality of our Bootcamp but provide bursaries for students from underrepresented regions and developing economies.

If your company registers two participants through industrial registration, you can also become a sponsor, directly contributing to expanding access for deserving students.

For sponsorship inquiries, please get in touch with us.


We are thrilled to invite you to express your intent to participate in our upcoming AIware bootcamp at the Queen's University Downtown Toronto campus. Given the high demand and limited availability, we encourage you to submit your intent to attend by September 1, 2024. We will carefully review all submissions to ensure a diverse mix of participants across geography, industry, academia, and experience levels.

Please note that the final deadline to secure your spot is September 30, 2024.

Registration Fees

The event costs $700 CAD (approx. $500 USD) for students and $1,200 CAD (approx. $800 USD) for professors and researchers. The cost is $1,650 CAD (approx. $1,200 USD) for industry affiliated individuals.

Industry registration/supporting

$2,000 CAD (approx. $1,450 USD) support would provide one FREE registration as well as logo and acknowledgement on all event material and website. Please contact us if your organization wishes to send several individuals as we would offer a reduced rate, however, please keep in mind that space is quite limited and we wish to provide access to a wider range of groups.

Registration Process:

Due to limited spots, please express your interest to register (please find the button below) by September 1st, 2024. Notification will be sent out by no later than September 2nd, 2024 with a link to register and pay your registration. You then have one week to pay your registration fee otherwise we will remove your spot and offer it to another participant in the waiting list.

We prioritize diversity in geography, industry, and experience to ensure a rich and inclusive learning environment. For those with financial need, we have a limited number of bursaries available to help offset the cost of attendance. Please send us a note.



Participants are expected to arrange their own accommodations. There are many hotels and the location is one of the most accessible transportation hubs in Canada with subway, train and bus services within 5 min walk.

Canada VISA:

We are able to request Canada visa invitation letters for registered paid attendees. Once the letter request is approved, we will share the letter asap with you. Please indicate if you will need a visa invitation letter when registering. Please check the Canada embassy in your country as nationals from many countries might not require one.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you can join us in Toronto this November to learn, discuss, experiment and shape the future of Software Industry and Software Engineering!


Ahmed E. Hassan, Fellow of ACM/IEEE/NSERC Steacie, Queen's University
Gopi Krishnan Rajbahadur, Centre For Software Excellence, Huawei
Zhen Ming (Jack) Jiang, York Research Chair in Software Engineering for Foundation Model-Powered Systems, York University
Dayi Lin, Centre For Software Excellence, Huawei
Bram Adams, Senior IEEE member, Queen's University
Ying Zou, Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Software Evolution, Queen's University